Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Chapter 19 Part 2

Brady recalls many memories on his train ride home.  What do you think he decides to do once he gets back home?  Include some evidence from the text to support your inference.


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  4. I think that Brady will tell on JT and Digger because when Brady said “I knew what I had to do” make me think that they have good days in the past but Brady still mad but he need to do the right thing.

  5. I believe when he gets home he will throw the drill into the Corsica river.He will probably bury it on the Corsica river floor.I think he will try his hardest after he does that with the drill to keep his parents from swimming in the river. I think he will keep anyone from swimming on the river.

  6. Chapter 19 part 2
    I think Brady will get the drill and he will get on his boat and throw the drill over board.
    My evidence of this is where else will he get rid of it forever

  7. I think he is going to put it somewhere to hide it like the water or underground so no one will find it. Or he will take all the prints off and put the drill back where his dad keeps all the tools at. My Inferences from the book is when Brady was talking about his friends and the drill and thinking about the drill so know he is thinking what to do with the drill.

  8. During the chapter Brady is going through his memories, and thinking what is he is going to do with the drill? Well he is going to tell his parents about the drill. But he still don’t want to get in trouble, and his friends.

  9. From reading Red Kayak I think that Brady is not going to turn in the drill to the police because he doesn’t want to get in trouble. Also because J.T.’s mom is going to need help on the farm, and around the house. Another reason why I think Brady isn’t going to report to the police is because Digger saved his life when he fell into the frozen cow pond.

  10. While Brady recalls many memories on his train ride home, I’ll predict what will happen is that Brady might tell the true to his mom or dad but especially his dad because he took his drill and put drills on the red kayak with J.T. and Digger. Also, he might apologize to J.T and Digger because he said that J.T got bullied by a boy named Curtis and Digger always defended him.

  11. I think he will not tell about the drill, because Brady said how much trouble they get into with Jt’s dad in the hospital and with Digger’s family.

  12. I think Brady is going to confess what they all did you know why because i know for a fact that digger and his friends are not liars they are just mixed up because they all listen to each other and they listen to their parents to so why would Brady tell right now that doesn't make sense right?

  13. I think he going to tell his dad that he and J.T and
    Digger sank the red kayak.he recalls being with
    J.T and Digger when he fell in the frozen pond
    And pulling him out seeing J.T only in lunch and
    Basketball practice.

  14. I think that Brady’s going to keep the drill hidden because he knew that J.T and Digger didn’t mean to hurt or kill anybody.He knew J.T needed to help his family at the chicken farm and his father that’s in the hospital waiting for a new kidney. He also knew that Digger was the one that saved him out of the cow pond.


  15. He is going to leave the drill.He remember all the thing he did with J.T. and digger.

  16. I think Brady when he get home he going to tell on JT and Digger because he still mad.

    I think Brady when he get home he going to tell on JT and Digger because he still mad.

  17. I think that brady many run away or he many get drill and give it to the cops or many give the drill to digger or break the drill. A other one is brady many tell his mom and dad about the drill and i think he many give the drill to digger.
