Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Chapter 7

Brady gets pulled out of school by his mom.  Make a prediction of what might happen next.


  1. I predict Brady gets pulled out because his mom might not want cameras in her house. And another reason is Ben might not be okay.

  2. My prediction why Brady gets pulled out of school by his mom is he has to go to the talk show/ interview in the middle of the school day, but why. Or he is going to visit Ben in the hospital because he is probably hurt or something like that.

  3. I think something happened to ben in the hospital. He is maybe awake.

  4. My prediction is he might go see Ben and miss Diangelo.

  5. I predict that something happened to Ben so they are going to see him or visit to see if everything is ok or.

  6. I predict when his mom pulled him out of school. I think she will talk to him about something bad happened to ben that the doctors have found out that ben has to stay in the hospital for about 1 more week.

  7. I think what is gonna happen next is maybe more people are gonna forget that brady has rescued those 2 boys and that they are gonna go back how they usually acted.

  8. My prediction is that the people that was going to interview him is at his house.
    Or he is going to see ben .Or ben just got home from the Hospital.But i wearly thinking that they or going to see ben.

  9. I predict that brady's mom pulled bardy from school to the hospital
    To tell about that he died due to being in the water 30 minutes and
    That he argue with his mom he didn't die he said carl said he had
    A pulse.

  10. I think that Brady got pulled out of school by his mother is because she has bad news or good news. about Ben I think the bad news is that either Ben died or that he is okay but I think the news that she has is most likely is that Ben’s okay.

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  12. I think Brady”s mom is telling him that the news reporter is at there house she will bring him home and let him get interviewed . I also think she is telling him that he has another reporter that wants to talk with him. My last thought is that she is going to tell him that they are going on a big trip or going to have a dinner out at a restaurant. These are my three predictions on what mom is going to tell him. I have one last theory, My last thought is that mom is going to tell him that JT and digger was looking for him. I doubt that one would be right.

  13. My prediction is ben can’t see or can’t moved or ben can’t remember brady anymore or they went to the hospital and ben was ok.

  14. I predict that Brady got pulled out of school because Ben has brain damaged because it said that Ben’s mom was in good condition,but Ben was in critical condition because his skin and head was in 48 degrees water.That is really cold water,and he could of got frostbite.That the teacher ask Brady if he wanted to get interviewed and be on tv.That Brady kept on thinking about the question that the interviewer ask him.

  15. I predict that when Brady's mom pulls him out of school she tells Brady that ben has brain damage and has stay in a wheelchair and that Brady has to take care of Ben until Ben's mom comes back and can help.

  16. When brady got pull out of school because he need to go to his interview. So when brady got there her mom got bad news that ben die in the hospital then brady was so sad that now he does not want to go but he have to.

  17. I think that ben dies and that is why mom took brady outside to tell him that.so now brady will be mad and sad.

  18. I think brady gets pulled out of school fast by his mom because he has to probably going to talk to the interview people about him saving ben from the cold water.

  19. I predict that Brady left school with his mom because maybe Brady's mom got a call from the children's hospital.And the hospital said that Ben is alive and able to move his body and that Brady is able to visit Ben.So Brady went to visit ben and give him his aquanauts.Brady probably misses Ben because he almost froze to death.When he fell in the river.

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  21. What I’ll predict that will happen is that when Brady got pulled by his mom he probably did something bad to make his mom mad and then she will find out that her son is the school’s hero.

  22. I predict that when Brady's mom pulls him out of school she tells Brady that ben has brain damage and has stay in a wheelchair and that Brady has to take care of Ben until Ben's mom comes back and can help.

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  24. I predict that when Brady's mom pulls him out of school she tells Brady that ben has brain damage and has stay in a wheelchair and that Brady has to take care of Ben until Ben's mom comes back and can help.

  25. Well I think Brady mom came to pick him up early because Ben is DEAD!!! Then Brady will cry and, after that they did a funeral. Then Brady dad did a speech. He said “Ben was a good boy and, he was a three year old boy.’’ After the funeral Brady was real sad.

  26. I predict that Brady’s mom will take Brady to a news reporter. So Brady can be on the news and go see Ben is all right and Ben's mom.

  27. I predict that Brady’s mom will take Brady to a news reporter. So Brady can be on the news and go see Ben is all right and Ben's mom.

  28. My prediction is he might go see Ben and miss Diangelo
